Contractual standards for Data Processing on Behalf, last revised December 8, 2014 c) Please use the following field (free text) for details of additional or other measures you have implemented or if you would like to provide more specific information on the above items: (Please use additional sheet if necessary.) d) If job control is not relevant to the services subject to this Agreement, please briefly state the reasons below: (Please use additional sheet if necessary.) 7. Availability control Definition: Availability control means the action taken to ensure that personal data is protected against accidental destruction or loss. a) Who holds overall responsibility for implementing and ensuring compliance with availability control? Controller Processor b) What action is taken to implement availability control and who carries out this action? (Please select appropriate answers and mark with a cross, as applicable) Co Pr • System condition regularly checked (monitoring) ........................................................ ☐ ☐ • Backup and recovery plan in place (regular data backups) ........................................... ☐ ☐ • Data archiving strategy implemented ........................................................................... ☐ ☐ • Documented contingency plans (business continuity, disaster recovery) .................... ☐ ☐ • Contingency plans regularly tested .............................................................................. ☐ ☐ • Presence of redundant IT systems assessed (servers, storage, etc.) ........................... ☐ ☐ • Fully operational physical protection systems in place (fire protection, energy, A/C) .. ☐ ☐ Page 15 of 20
Cooperation Agreement | Startup adVANce Challenge Page 41 Page 43