8 Startup adVANce Challenge | Startup Partnership by Mercedes-Benz Vans 1.5. Phases of the competition, grant, calls The Startup adVANce Challenge makes available a total of € 1 million (net) (in words: one million Euro) for Grant awards as further described in these terms and conditions without taking any shares of the startups. The Startup adVANce Challenge consists of three operational phases referred to as:  “Phase 1” or “Alignment Phase”;  “Phase 2” or “Concept Phase”; and  “Phase 3” or “Prototype Phase”. The Grants will be awarded in Phase 2 and Phase 3. In order to participate in Phase 2 the startup needs to participate and successfully pass Phase 1. As for Phase 3, only startups that have participated and successfully passed Phase 2 are entitled to apply. Timeline and Phases overview: Fig.: Time Schedule for the Challenge Phases – detailed description Each of the three Phases is preceded with an application and selection process referred to as “Open Call” (in case of Phase 1) or “Call” (in case of Phases 2 and 3) and “Selection”.

Terms and Conditions - Page 8 Terms and Conditions Page 7 Page 9