16 Startup adVANce Challenge | Startup Partnership by Mercedes-Benz Vans ANNEX 1. COST ELIGIBILITY LIMITS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR PHASE 3 - Prototype Phase: Direct Costs The following costs are eligible for the use of the Grant: a. Staff costs, calculated considering an hourly rate according to the following formula: Cost/ Hour = [(base salary x 14 months)/ (11 months x 22 days x n hours)] where: Base salary: monthly salary (excluding paid holidays and country specific standards) and social security mandatory charges, where applicable. n: number of working hours b. Subcontracting costs. c. Equipment. d. Access to data sources or other type of information. e. Travelling, subsistence and accommodation costs. All travelling, subsistence and accommodation costs must be supported by a travel report containing information about the objectives of the occasion (event, meeting, etc.), contacts made and respective results (maximum of 2 pages). Indirect Costs Indirect costs are all those eligible costs, which cannot be identified by the startup as being directly attributed to the project. They may not include any eligible direct costs. A specific flat rate of 10% of the staff costs is to be used to calculate the indirect costs.
Terms and Conditions Page 15 Page 17