12 Startup adVANce Challenge | Startup Partnership by Mercedes-Benz Vans  Coherence and effectiveness of the draft work plan for the Concept.  Presented capacity and resources to implement the work plan.  Credibility of the work plan to develop and place the Product in the market. 2. Resources and Competences  Resources and competences needed to successfully develop the Product.  Uniqueness of resources and competences to the startup.  Access to all relevant resources and competences. 3. Cost structure and revenue stream  Cost structure (fixed and variable costs) of startup, in particular as relevant for the Product.  Ability to influence the costs and revenues over time due to for example economies of scale. 4. Business strategy  Business strategy of the startup.  Differentiating factors with regard to competitors of the startup.  Existence of competitors with similar strategy. Criteria Phase 3 In addition to the Criteria for Phase 1 and 2, the following Criteria apply: 1. Scalability  Scalability of the Product.  Challenges affecting scalability of the Product and solutions to those challenges. 2. Realization plan  Most important milestones of the startup for the near future.  Approach of startup to achieve the milestones.  Plan and timing to reach the “break-even point”. The selection of a startup for the participation in one Phase does not give the startup any entitlement with regard to any subsequent Phase(s). Consequently, a Grant for Phase 2 does not mean that the startup will also receive a Grant in Phase 3. 2.4. Evaluators and advisory board 1. For Phase 1, Daimler AG will use external neutral evaluators to evaluate the applications based on the Criteria for Phase 1. For Phase 2 and 3, internal evaluators from Daimler AG will evaluate the applications based on the relevant Criteria, provided that Daimler AG reserves the right to collaborate with external evaluators also for Phase 2 and/or Phase 3. 2. An advisory board is instated by Daimler AG to provide advice on the operational aspects of the Startup adVANce Challenge. 2.5. Priority order for proposals with the same score If the number of startups that have reached an average minimum score of 3 is higher than the number of vacancies per Phase (Phase 1: max. 80, Phase 2: 10, Phase 3: max. 5), the participants for the relevant Phase will be selected based on the ranking for each Criteria in the following order: Order for Phase 1: Product Idea, team, and customer needs. Order for Phase 2: Product Idea, work plan, and customer needs. Order for Phase 3: Product Idea, realization plan, and resources and competences. If, thereafter, the number of startups that have received the same score based on the above order (and that fulfil the requirements for the relevant Phase) is still higher than the vacancies for the relevant Phase, Daimler AG may submit the Product Idea (for Phase 1), the proposal for the Concept (for Phase 2) or the proposal for the Prototype (for Phase 3), as applicable, along with a request for a recommendation to fill the vacancies for the relevant Phase to either a third party evaluator, or an evaluation board defined by Daimler AG that would schedule an interview/speed meeting (up to 20 minutes, in personal in Stuttgart, Germany or via Skype or similar media) with the startup. The Criteria shall continue to apply.

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